Moving Day Countdown - Moving checklist and important tips

Moving from one new home or location to another requires a great deal of time, energy, and most importantly, planning. Without adequate preparation a moving day can quickly turn into a nightmare.

The best way to tackle a moving process is to break it down into weekly “to do” or checklists and most experts agree that a six to eight week plan is the best approach. The following tips and sample checklists are in a “countdown” order, beginning with six to eight weeks from moving day:


Weeks Eight to Six Before Moving Day

With approximately two months to moving day some of the most important decisions and plans must be set in place. This is when the real “organization” begins!

• Make a “Master” binder or notebook for all of the developing plans or checklists, this will serve as a major tool for the coming weeks of work and will really help to prevent anything from slipping through the cracks!

• Inventory the entire household, including all of the items that will be moved, and even listing all of those that will be discarded, sold or given away. This inventory will help to accurately figure the number of packing supplies and boxes required to complete the move. This inventory will also come in very handy if a professional moving service is hired.... read more


Weeks Five to Four Before Moving Day

Only a month to go before moving day arrives! Within the next two weeks a home or business owner will begin to see the real signs of the coming move. Closets, cupboards and rooms will be emptied and boxes will begin to pile up.

• Choose and hire the professional moving company in order to develop a workable timetable or schedule. Many companies will require several weeks of planning with the owner, and this is the appropriate time to make such arrangements. Remember that “expedited” services will come with significant charges, so be sure to allow enough time to avoid such fees

• Review a floor plan of the new home to ensure that there is adequate room for all of the furnishings and possessions that are included in the plans for moving day..... read more

Weeks Three to Two Before Moving Day

With only two weeks to go it may feel like moving day will never arrive, or is a looming disaster! This is the time to do a final assessment of plans and schedules to be sure they are all in order, and begin the final stages of packing.

• Make arrangements for a cleaning crew in both the old and new homes, especially if the new location is a great distance from the original area.

• During the next few weeks it is important to find homes for items like houseplants that are remaining behind, and to make any special arrangements for the care of family pets on moving day. Some animals panic with many strangers and noises in the home and it may be a good idea to board them at a kennel or veterinarian’s office during the day or two that moving will take place..... read more

The Final Weeks Before Moving Day

Moving day is only a few days away, and it may look like the household is not ready, but with only a final “push” all of the work will be complete!

• Complete the packing process at least two days before the move. This will allow for the purchase of additional packing supplies if they should run out as well as a bit of a break for the owner prior to the day of the move..... read more

Moving Day

Once moving day has arrived it may be difficult to remember everything that needs to get done, and this is where the making of “to do” lists and checklists will prove invaluable.

Many people make a checklist of the issues and questions they will have for their team of professional movers, or alternately the items that need to be addressed by their friends and family that have volunteered to help..... read more